26 July 2011

these guys

Cute, right? They're even cuter since they're at my mom's for the week (except Henry).

Today I stripped some paint in the stairwell - a difficult task with all the kids here. I also spent way too much time on the interwebs. Did I tell you I started pinning? I also tried to get my pouch done for the pretty little pouch swap, but couldn't finish because I didn't have the right size or color of zipper. Lame. I also went out to dinner with Dan and Henry. That was nice.

There are about 100 things on my list to do - so I won't be getting them all done. But hopefully I get something done. I'll give you a report after the kids get back.


katie said...

that picture turned out so well. Nice.

Judy Lynn said...

now those are some good looking boys! i hope you're getting things done, and i can't wait to see you all at reunion in a few days!