05 October 2010


Luke wears himself out. He also doesn't like taking naps. So I find him like this quite often.

We went to a place with a bunch of toy and candy vending machines. Luke picked the mustache vending machine. (I'd never even seen one, but I will be making a visit for the Christmas stockings.) He applied the mustache and wore it for quite a while before taking it off.

Does it surprise you that Dan has a small collection of fake mustaches? When he started growing this one he gave Jack the one he has on. Nice.

First day of school for Jack and Sam

Have you ever watched Man vs. Wild? It is a very cool show and the boys love it. Jack is always trying to make lean-to shelters and sharpen spears and things like that after he watches it. Of course, it helps if your shirt is off (although the host usually keeps his on.)

Dan found this butterfly lying on the road. He brought it in to show everyone and every once in a while it would move. I think it was dying its natural death at the end of the summer. Sad.

Charlie's first day of school.

Girls like to dress up like princesses. Boys like to dress up like . . . not sure who this is supposed to be but goggles of any type are always a favorite at our house.


Marianne & Clayton said...

Mustaches are always so intriguing. Is Dan growing one for suaveness or for a costume? Time will tell, or Leigh will.

Jandi said...

Cute pictures! I keep seeing faux mustaches. It must be the "it" thing right now! Where did you find a vending machine tho?

carrie said...

cute boys. Dan is looking lean!

leigh said...

Marianne - that mustache was from the summer. Thankfully - Dan no longer has it. It was grossing me out after less than a week.